Across the Back Forty

Collaborate With Us

To Participate please follow the link below


Across the Back Forty is a public art installation project supported by the National Arts Centre and Globe Theatre and brought to life by us: Canada’s Narrative Design Collective. Who are we? We are Nick, Eryn, Graham, Michael, and Damien – a collective of theatre artists from across Canada – working with a cohort of Saskatchewan theatre makers. The project hopes to support human connection: humans connecting with art, with theatre, and most importantly, with other humans.

Across the Back Forty springs from a simple idea: the connection felt when you get a letter. So we thought we’d try to connect with you through this letter, and ask you to connect with us and the project by sending something back. These connections, your own responses, will inspire a series of interactive outdoor art installations in Regina, SK on June 26, 2021. A link to a filmed version of the creations will be available on our website after the live event. Because this art will be inspired by what you send us – feel free to respond in the way that feels right to you. 

Do you need help getting started?  We have a few jumping off points:

  • What was one time you felt a strong sense of connection in your life?

  • If you could connect with someone right now, who would that person be?

  • Has this pandemic time changed the way you communicate with others?

  • How do you reach out across the back forty?

  • What does connection mean to you?  

Respond in whatever way makes the most sense to you! There are two ways that you can get your response to us:

  1. You can call 1-800-450-9960 and leave us a voicemail.

  2. You can push the CONNECT button and upload your response to our online form. 

In order to give us time to turn your responses into these art pieces, please send us your response by June 24, 2021. Your response can be kept anonymous, but if you would like to be listed as a participant in the project, please indicate that you would like to be included in that list. Also, take a moment to read over and sign the consent form- we want to know that you’re comfortable sharing your thoughts in this way.

We hope that you will accept our invitation and know that we are excited to hear from you!  Please feel free to share this letter with your friends and family and let them reach out too.

Warmly, from across the back forty, 

Narrative Design Collective

Nick, Eryn, Graham, Michael, Damien, and Company

A handwritten letter that reads: Dear Human, How are you? Connecting sure is different these days, eh? It's like we're all out in our own Back Forty and can't quite reach anyone. We want to connect and create together - to rekindle that sense of com…